How to cook chicken breast in an alto-shaam 300thiii

These are European cooking methods. By using lower cooking temperatures we achieve a more even and controlled cook.


Season chicken with lemon pepper

Season chicken with lemon pepper

Mark chicken on the grill (optional)

Mark chicken on the grill (optional)

Place chicken in chiller to cool down

Place chicken in chiller to cool down

Blast chiller settings

Blast chiller settings

Preheat the oven to 170F (77C) in hold mode and prepare a remote thermometer.

Preheat the oven to 170F (77C) in hold mode and prepare a remote thermometer.

Place chicken in oven with remote probe

Place chicken in oven with remote probe

When the chicken reaches an internal temperature of 150F (65C), remove it from the oven and finish it in saut\u00e9 pan

When the chicken reaches an internal temperature of 150F (65C), remove it from the oven and finish it in sauté pan

Slice and enjoy

  • Airline Chicken Breast (6oz)
  • Lemon pepper
  • Olive oil