How to cook a zucchini boat

Cook a Zucchini Boat


1 cup mozzarella cheese, 1/4 cup parmesan cheese, 1/2 teaspoon oregano, 1 clove of garlic, marinara sauce, 2 zucchinis, and a baking sheet along with aluminum foil.

1 cup mozzarella cheese, 1/4 cup parmesan cheese, 1/2 teaspoon oregano, 1 clove of garlic, marinara sauce, 2 zucchinis, and a baking sheet along with aluminum foil.

pre-heat oven to 400 degrees

pre-heat oven to 400 degrees

Start by cutting the stem off the zucchini

Start by cutting the stem off the zucchini

Then cut the zucchini in half (the long way)

Then cut the zucchini in half (the long way)

Carve out half the inside to cteate a little dip. The sauce will be poured in there.

Carve out half the inside to cteate a little dip. The sauce will be poured in there.

Then add the marinara sauce with a spoon (add as much or as little sauce as you like, its all up to your preference).

Then add the marinara sauce with a spoon (add as much or as little sauce as you like, its all up to your preference).

After adding the sauce add the mozzarella cheese.

After adding the sauce add the mozzarella cheese.

evenly disperse the oregano to each of the zucchini

evenly disperse the oregano to each of the zucchini

After adding the oregano its time to add the garlic.

After adding the oregano its time to add the garlic.

Start by chopping the garlic. You do this by taking one clove and pressing the width of the knife against the clove.Once you hear a small crack, peel the skin.

add the parmesan cheese and garlic evenly to the boats.

add the parmesan cheese and garlic evenly to the boats.

Once the oven is preheated to 400 put the zucchini in for 15-20 minuets.

take out of the oven once fully cooked and enjoy.

take out of the oven once fully cooked and enjoy.

  • 1.0c mozzarella cheese
  • 1/4c parmesan cheese
  • 1.0 jar of marinara sauce
  • 1.0 garlic clove
  • 1/2Tbsp dried oregano
  • 2.0 zucchini
  • 1.0 big knife
  • 1.0 large baking sheet
  • 1.0 aluminum foil