How to cook a cheese & tomato toasted sandwich

A great way to make a toasted sandwich with a twist


Ok lets get started place your slices of bread onto the bread board.

Ok lets get started place your slices of bread onto the bread board.

Now butter one slice.

Now butter one slice.

Time to grab your cheese and make 4 cuts off it.

Time to grab your cheese and make 4 cuts off it.

Place your cheese all over the buttered slice of bread.

Place your cheese all over the buttered slice of bread.

Grab your tomato and slice it into 4 pieces.

Grab your tomato and slice it into 4 pieces.

Place evenly over the cheese.

Place evenly over the cheese.

Add a pinch of salt.

Add a pinch of salt.

Cook on gas mark 4 under the grill for 5 minutes.

Cook on gas mark 4 under the grill for 5 minutes.

Take them out  use an oven mit it will be hot .

Take them out use an oven mit it will be hot .

Put your sandwich together.

Put your sandwich together.

Cut it half and consume

  • 2.0oz Cheddar cheese
  • 1.0 Tomato
  • 2.0 Slices of Bread
  • Butter
  • 1.0pch Salt
  • 1.0 Knife
  • 1.0 Bread board
  • 1.0 Grill