How to complete the "easy bar graph"

Complete the "Easy Bar Graph"


Get your paper and write your name and class number on it.

Get your paper and write your name and class number on it.

When finished box 1should look like this.

When finished box 1should look like this.

When you are finished box 2 should look like this. The white space should be lined up with box #1!

When you are finished box 2 should look like this. The white space should be lined up with box #1!

Boxes 4,5, and 6 were easy they were all shaded in! Make sure you have a watchful eye on box #3 it has a small sliver of white for you to draw!

Boxes 4,5, and 6 were easy they were all shaded in! Make sure you have a watchful eye on box #3 it has a small sliver of white for you to draw!

As you draw each box you can "x" out the left box that you drew from!

As you draw each box you can "x" out the left box that you drew from!

Good luck and I can't wait for you to see what you have drawn upon completion! I think you will be surprised!!!!!

  • Easy bar graph paper
  • Pencil