How to complete an advanced workout - part 1

Complete an Advanced Workout - Part 1


Heel Jumps (Part 1) - Using an interval approach, start with heel jumps for 30 seconds bouncing on your toes

Heel Jumps (Part 1) - Using an interval approach, start with heel jumps for 30 seconds bouncing on your toes

High Knee Jumps (Part 2) - Then do 5 high knee jumps. Jump as high as you can, lifting your knees up as you come up. Repeat this with the heel jumps 5 times

Russian Twist - This is for your core strength. Sit with your feet on the floor leaning slightly back. Slowly twist to one side and then the other. Do this 40 times (20 on each side)

Russian Twist - This is for your core strength. Sit with your feet on the floor leaning slightly back. Slowly twist to one side and then the other. Do this 40 times (20 on each side)

Gecko Press - This will work on your chest, arms and core. Set up for a press up, but as you move down, bring your knee towards your elbow. Alternate left and right, perform 16 (8 on each side)

Gecko Press - This will work on your chest, arms and core. Set up for a press up, but as you move down, bring your knee towards your elbow. Alternate left and right, perform 16 (8 on each side)

Jump Squats - This develops your leg power. Move down as per a Squat and come up explosively, jumping into the air. Do this times

Jump Squats - This develops your leg power. Move down as per a Squat and come up explosively, jumping into the air. Do this times

Overhead Sumo Squat - Wide pace, feet pointing outwards, holding a t-shirt over your head. Sit back with your knees not coming over your toes focussing on keeping your back straight. Repeat 15 times

Overhead Sumo Squat - Wide pace, feet pointing outwards, holding a t-shirt over your head. Sit back with your knees not coming over your toes focussing on keeping your back straight. Repeat 15 times

Back Extensions - These will help your back. Lie on your front with your fingertips on your temples. Raise your back up and back to the floor. Repeat this 20 times

Back Extensions - These will help your back. Lie on your front with your fingertips on your temples. Raise your back up and back to the floor. Repeat this 20 times

Squat Thrust - Start in the press up position. Jump your knees in and then back out again. Do this for 1 minute

Squat Thrust - Start in the press up position. Jump your knees in and then back out again. Do this for 1 minute

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