How to complete a sudoku puzzle

Complete a Sudoku Puzzle


My materials for the guide.

My materials for the guide.

Sudoku is a puzzling strategy game with many numbers. Today, I will show you how to complete one.

Sudoku is a puzzling strategy game with many numbers. Today, I will show you how to complete one.

Get a puzzle, like this one.

Pick an empty slot on the puzzle, like where the stylus is pointing to.

Pick an empty slot on the puzzle, like where the stylus is pointing to.

When do you place the number? A number can't appear twice in the same row, column, or 3 by 3 squares.

When you know it is a number, place it in the slot.

Repeat steps 4 through 9 until the puzzle is complete.

NOTES FEATURE: If you are stuck in a spot where it can be two numbers, use notes.

Write in a box different numbers that it can be. Make sure it's tiny, but big enough to read it.

When you know what it is, erase/clear the numbers in the box and write the correct number.

If you repeat the steps, you will soon complete a sudoku puzzle!

Thank you for viewing! Hope this helped.

  • 1.0 Sudoku puzzle(required, can be electronic or paper
  • 1.0 Pencil (required for paper way)
  • 1.0 Stylus (required for electronic way)
  • You! (Required)