How to complete a sermon video post production

Complete a Sermon Video Post Production


Open Final Cut Pro

Plug in Record B SD card

Plug in Record B SD card

Hit the camera icon (or File>Import>Files)

Hit the camera icon (or File>Import>Files)

Select the card

Select the card

Click Import All...

Click Import All...

Create a New Event with "xx.xx.2012- Sermon Name". Saved to External Disk. Select Create Proxy Media. Click Import.

Create a New Event with "xx.xx.2012- Sermon Name". Saved to External Disk. Select Create Proxy Media. Click Import.

Create a New Project

Create a New Project

Name "xx.xx.2012- Sermon Name", default settings: Set based on first video clip. Hit Ok

Name "xx.xx.2012- Sermon Name", default settings: Set based on first video clip. Hit Ok

Important! Choose the Record B (or A if we are using 1st service) first. The first video dragged into the timeline sets the video size.

Important! Choose the Record B (or A if we are using 1st service) first. The first video dragged into the timeline sets the video size.

Click and drag Record B into the timeline project

Click and drag Record B into the timeline project

HINT:adjust zoom timeline level

HINT:adjust zoom timeline level

Move cursor until you find the bumper- click

Move cursor until you find the bumper- click

Hit command-B and it will slice the video where you clicked

Hit command-B and it will slice the video where you clicked

Delete first portion (worship set)

Delete first portion (worship set)

Do the same at the end. Find where the Final graphic went up. Place cursor and click. Hit command-B again.

Do the same at the end. Find where the Final graphic went up. Place cursor and click. Hit command-B again.

Delete ending (if needed)

Delete ending (if needed)

Fine trim the beginning or ending by placing cursor over the end, clicking and dragging left or right.

Fine trim the beginning or ending by placing cursor over the end, clicking and dragging left or right.

Grab Sermon Graphic from the Announcement alias (username ATrimble; password: worship). It will be under the year then date folder

Grab Sermon Graphic from the Announcement alias (username ATrimble; password: worship). It will be under the year then date folder

Import the sermon graphic

Import the sermon graphic

Select sermon graphic and...

Select sermon graphic and...

Drag to end of video file- extend it at least 10 seconds

Drag to end of video file- extend it at least 10 seconds

Select the edge between the video and graphic and hit Command T to create a transition

Select the edge between the video and graphic and hit Command T to create a transition

IF audio seems low (lower than -6) do the next few steps: Click on video. Click on Show Audio Enhancements.

IF audio seems low (lower than -6) do the next few steps: Click on video. Click on Show Audio Enhancements.

Select Loudness, amount=40%; Uniformity=6%

Select Loudness, amount=40%; Uniformity=6%

HINT: show or hide audio meters

HINT: show or hide audio meters

HINT: see what background tasks are running. These should all be completed before exporting

HINT: see what background tasks are running. These should all be completed before exporting

After background tasks are complete, check Audio Enhancements once again to ensure that they are still 40% and 6%

After background tasks are complete, check Audio Enhancements once again to ensure that they are still 40% and 6%

Web version: Share>Export Using Compressor Settings

Web version: Share>Export Using Compressor Settings

Choose "Media Social"

Choose "Media Social"

Hit Next

Hit Next

Name "xx.xx.2012- Sermon Name", save to desktop, hit save

Name "xx.xx.2012- Sermon Name", save to desktop, hit save

Watch pieces of the video to ensure it looks and sounds okay.

Once iPhone version is completed: go to

Once iPhone version is completed: go to

Click admin at the bottom of the page. Username:; password:

Click admin at the bottom of the page. Username:; password:

Click Here on Video Manager

Click Here on Video Manager

Click browse

Click browse

Choose current weeks video hit Open

Choose current weeks video hit Open

Choose Target Quality 240p30. Hit upload

Choose Target Quality 240p30. Hit upload

Hit Edit next to the video to rename with xx.xx.2012- Sermon title.

Hit Edit next to the video to rename with xx.xx.2012- Sermon title.

Once video is completed, hit Preview to test

Once video is completed, hit Preview to test

Go to; username:; password:

Go to; username:; password:

Type in sermon title, hit next

Type in sermon title, hit next

Change date to Sundays; Label=Pastor, choose who spoke; Label=Series, choose series name or add new if it is the first one; in Description copy the text from

Change date to Sundays; Label=Pastor, choose who spoke; Label=Series, choose series name or add new if it is the first one; in Description copy the text from

Default is Main Channel; click Save

Default is Main Channel; click Save

Select 16:9; extract audio. Choose iPhone version of video; begin upload

Select 16:9; extract audio. Choose iPhone version of video; begin upload

After that one is done, To Export: click Share>Apple Devices

After that one is done, To Export: click Share>Apple Devices

To export for NRH: hit Share>Apple Devices

To export for NRH: hit Share>Apple Devices

Click Mac&PC, moe compatibility, Faster encode, next

Click Mac&PC, moe compatibility, Faster encode, next

Save "xx.xx.2012- Sermon Name", save to Dropbox folder The Crossing Messages, Hit Save

Save "xx.xx.2012- Sermon Name", save to Dropbox folder The Crossing Messages, Hit Save

Watch pieces of the video to ensure it looks and sounds okay.

Copy both videos onto Sermon Archive Hard Drive.

When you've made sure all footage is imported, put cards back into computer, open card on desktop & delete folder called 'private'. Then empty trash. After trash has emptied, eject the card. Repeat.

For now leave the cards on my desk

Once sermon is uploaded to Sermon player, Add a new Record with the same information, set for one week later. Click Schedule record's availability.

Select "The_Crossing" channel; hit Save

Select "The_Crossing" channel; hit Save

On the CCCC channel video, click on the Playback link

On the CCCC channel video, click on the Playback link

Select the URL through the .mp4 and copy

Select the URL through the .mp4 and copy

Go to the upload center and hit the arrows to switch to upload from web

Go to the upload center and hit the arrows to switch to upload from web

paste in URL change to 16:9 and extract audio hit begin upload

paste in URL change to 16:9 and extract audio hit begin upload

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