How to color-code your evidence

Color-Code Your Evidence


Choose a highlighter and highlight "Step Two: Record evidence to support your claim" on your assignment sheet. Then, highlight all evidence supporting your claim in that same color.

Choose a highlighter and highlight "Step Two: Record evidence to support your claim" on your assignment sheet. Then, highlight all evidence supporting your claim in that same color.

Choose a DIFFERENT color highlighter and highlight "Step 3: Identify a Counter-Claim" on your prewriting sheet. Then, highlight all evidence supporting your counter argument in that same color.

Choose a DIFFERENT color highlighter and highlight "Step 3: Identify a Counter-Claim" on your prewriting sheet. Then, highlight all evidence supporting your counter argument in that same color.

Choose a 3rd color highlighter and highlight "Step Four: Refute the counter-claim." Then highlight all evidence having to do with your refute in that same color on your Gathering Evidence guide.

  • Prewriting sheet
  • Gathering Evidence guide
  • Highlighters