How to clean your wardrobe

Clean Your Wardrobe


Start with a messy cupboard

Start with a messy cupboard

Clean your dresses first so that when you start with the bottom you dont have dresses flying in your face all the time

Clean your dresses first so that when you start with the bottom you dont have dresses flying in your face all the time

Next clean the bottom ,also know as the " the place were you throw your clothes when you can't be bothered  to put them in the right        spot "

Next clean the bottom ,also know as the " the place were you throw your clothes when you can't be bothered to put them in the right spot "

Then put the clothes in category piles e.g t- shirts , jumpers

Then put the clothes in category piles e.g t- shirts , jumpers

Put the clothes in the right spot

Put the clothes in the right spot

Put the coats and dresses on coathangers and put them nearly back on the rack.

Put the coats and dresses on coathangers and put them nearly back on the rack.

Pull out your first shelve and start cleaning it up

Pull out your first shelve and start cleaning it up

I will not show you the finishing result of the first shelve because it is actually my undies draw!

Clean the rest of the shelves

And here is the finishing result

And here is the finishing result

Don't forget to add any finishing touches like adding a cute hook to hang a bag on .....

Don't forget to add any finishing touches like adding a cute hook to hang a bag on .....

Or add a cute poster

Or add a cute poster






  • Messy wardrobe
  • Some time