How to clean your headlight covers with toothpaste

Fact or Fiction: toothpaste will clean your headlight covers... FACT!


Using toothpaste to clean your headlight covers sounds ridiculous... But it works

Using toothpaste to clean your headlight covers sounds ridiculous... But it works

Apply a line of toothpaste onto the cover and spread onto the entire cover.

Apply a line of toothpaste onto the cover and spread onto the entire cover.

If your covers are very dirty (like mine were), use some type of brush to scrub the toothpaste in better after spreading.

Pour water over the cover and wipe off with other washcloth.

The ending result will amaze you. Repeat these steps the next day if you are not completely satisfied.

The ending result will amaze you. Repeat these steps the next day if you are not completely satisfied.

Good luck!

  • Toothpaste
  • 2.0 Washcloth
  • Brush (optional)
  • Water