How to clean ur infected ears.!

Clean Ur Infected Ears.!


You will need peroxide, neosporin, and some q-tips.

You will need peroxide, neosporin, and some q-tips.

Wash your hands before touching the newly pierced ears.

Wash your hands before touching the newly pierced ears.

Make sure all of ur hair is up and ou of the way from ur ears.

Make sure all of ur hair is up and ou of the way from ur ears.

Take a q-tip and dip it into the peroxide.

Take a q-tip and dip it into the peroxide.

Clean around the piercing. The front and the back needs to be cleaned during this process.

Clean around the piercing. The front and the back needs to be cleaned during this process.

Twist your earrings after u have cleaned them to get the peroxide into the infected or new pierced part.

Twist your earrings after u have cleaned them to get the peroxide into the infected or new pierced part.

Use the neosporin and add a little bit of it onto the q-tip.

Use the neosporin and add a little bit of it onto the q-tip.

Rub around the piercing. Front and the back. This will help prevent infection.

Rub around the piercing. Front and the back. This will help prevent infection.

Now u have finished cleaning ur ears. I have used this process for every piercing. It has been very handy and works quickly. I hope this has done the same for u!

  • Peroxide
  • Q-tips
  • Neosporin
  • Hair Tyes