How to clean teastains off of mugs

If you love tea, you probably know how bad it can stain your mugs. This guide will show you an easy way to get rid of them with barely any effort!


I allowed this mug to get pretty bad in order to show you guys how well this works. Looks pretty gross, huh?

I allowed this mug to get pretty bad in order to show you guys how well this works. Looks pretty gross, huh?

Clog the sink and get your bottle of bleach. Pour about half a cup of it into your sink.

Clog the sink and get your bottle of bleach. Pour about half a cup of it into your sink.

Turn on the tap and let warm water run down and fill the sink.

Turn on the tap and let warm water run down and fill the sink.

Put in any mugs that need cleaning and make sure they sink to the bottom. Feel free to add as many mugs as your sink allows!

Put in any mugs that need cleaning and make sure they sink to the bottom. Feel free to add as many mugs as your sink allows!

Turn off the tap once the mugs are covered with water. Personally, I like to do this in the evening and leave it overnight, but make sure to let them sit in the water for at least three hours.

Rinse and wash your mugs as you normally would to get rid of the bleach scent. You're done!

Rinse and wash your mugs as you normally would to get rid of the bleach scent. You're done!

  • Stained tea mugs
  • Sink or a bucket
  • Bleach
  • Water