How to clean a microwave

They are many way, the best which suits me.


Can you see how dirty it is all thanks to my husbands tea.

Can you see how dirty it is all thanks to my husbands tea.

Took one cup full water. And heated it in the microwave until I see the steam on the glass.

Took one cup full water. And heated it in the microwave until I see the steam on the glass.

Closer look after it steams up

Closer look after it steams up

I used paper towel with a little bit of pine sol to make it smell good.,. I like the lavender smell. That's completely optional for using any fragrance. Tada.....! It's all clean.

I used paper towel with a little bit of pine sol to make it smell good.,. I like the lavender smell. That's completely optional for using any fragrance. Tada.....! It's all clean.

  • Cup
  • Water
  • Paper towel
  • Pinesol