How to clean a dirty shower head

(Adopted from Pinterest)


The supplies

The supplies

The clogged shower head. This is a Muslim shower but this should work with any type of shower.

The clogged shower head. This is a Muslim shower but this should work with any type of shower.

Uneven water spray.

Uneven water spray.

Pour vinegar into the bag. Add two teaspoons of baking soda and let it fizz a little.

Pour vinegar into the bag. Add two teaspoons of baking soda and let it fizz a little.

Immerse the shower head in the vinegar and baking soda mixture. Put the rubber band around the ziplock bag. This works with a fixed shower head as well. Leave over night.

Immerse the shower head in the vinegar and baking soda mixture. Put the rubber band around the ziplock bag. This works with a fixed shower head as well. Leave over night.

I will update this tutorial with the results tomorrow morning!

All the gunk can be wiped clean!

And the spray!

And the spray!

  • Vinegar enough to drown the head of the shower
  • 2.0tsp Baking soda
  • 1.0 Ziplock bag
  • 1.0 Rubberband