How to clean a belly button piercing

Clean a Belly Button Piercing


Mix soap and warm water in small cup

Mix soap and warm water in small cup

Lean FAR forward and press the cup to your belly button

Lean FAR forward and press the cup to your belly button

Push hard on the cup when walking, standing, ect. Anything where the cup will leak/fall. It will spill all over you.

Push hard on the cup when walking, standing, ect. Anything where the cup will leak/fall. It will spill all over you.

When laying down the cup will sit without leaking, easiest way.

When laying down the cup will sit without leaking, easiest way.

Kill some time. Around 10 mins is good.

Kill some time. Around 10 mins is good.

To remove the cup stand up and lean very far forward again while pressing the cup to you. Release the pressure from the cup so it comes off your stomach.

Wipe off any water and soap that is on you &&&& voila! Clean piercing!

  • Small cup
  • Warm water
  • Antibacterial soap
  • (optional) cleaning product
  • Time!