How to classify trees

Classify Trees


This is a coniferous  tree. They don't lose their leaves in the winter.

This is a coniferous tree. They don't lose their leaves in the winter.

This is a deciduous tree. They do lose their leaves in the winter.

Can you tell if this is a coniferous or deciduous? The answer is a coniferous.

Can you tell if this is a coniferous or deciduous? The answer is a coniferous.

This must be a deciduous. All it's leaves fell off.

This must be a deciduous. All it's leaves fell off.

Lots of leaves on this deciduous tree. WOW!

Lots of leaves on this deciduous tree. WOW!

These are some grasses and plants.

These are some grasses and plants.

These are also grasses and plants. There are also pretty colors on the leaves. look in the middle there is a really pretty. It must be fall.

These are also grasses and plants. There are also pretty colors on the leaves. look in the middle there is a really pretty. It must be fall.

This is a bird feeder with grasses behind it.

This is a bird feeder with grasses behind it.

2 bird feeders.

2 bird feeders.

There are deciduous trees far out there.

There are deciduous trees far out there.

Bye bye leaves of a deciduous tree.

Bye bye leaves of a deciduous tree.

There is a deciduous tree and a coniferous tree right next to each other.

There is a deciduous tree and a coniferous tree right next to each other.

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