How to cheat on ios games (without jailbreak)

Cheat on iOS Games (Without Jailbreak)


Do you want to cheat on iOS games? Are you really get bored to wait 2h to receive a few points from your games? Here is a tip, you can try it with your games but it's not 100% guaranteed works!

You don't need jailbreak or something like that. To demonstrate this glitch works I will choose a game: CSR Racing by Natural Motion Remember: Not all games in the Store can be cheated like this!

CSR Racing!

CSR Racing!

Okay!! Let's go!

As you can see, that racing game uses fuel (gas) to race and win experience,points,coins,level. Per day you have almost 10 tries and you need to wait some hours to have all fuel refilled;

As you can see, that racing game uses fuel (gas) to race and win experience,points,coins,level. Per day you have almost 10 tries and you need to wait some hours to have all fuel refilled;

In that picture as you can see I have 100% fuel

In that picture as you can see I have 100% fuel

On a race, the game will grab -1 fuel until your fuel is empty and you have to pay some coins if you want to play more. Sometimes is really boring to wait so much!! UNTIL NOW!!

On a race, the game will grab -1 fuel until your fuel is empty and you have to pay some coins if you want to play more. Sometimes is really boring to wait so much!! UNTIL NOW!!

Here you can see my fuel is empty (0%) and I need to pay some coins or wait until next refill!

Here you can see my fuel is empty (0%) and I need to pay some coins or wait until next refill!

NOW! I will show you how you can glitch that game and have 100% fuel again; in 1 minute without waiting hours and also.. without jailbreak/root your device. Is 100% safe

Firstly sorry my phone is not in English language.. But I will explain! Go to Settings -> General -> Time & date

Firstly sorry my phone is not in English language.. But I will explain! Go to Settings -> General -> Time & date

Here is 21.12.2013!! 00:03 am  All you have to do is to change date with +1 day up!! :)  If here is 21.12.2013 I will set to 22.12.2013 and.....

Here is 21.12.2013!! 00:03 am All you have to do is to change date with +1 day up!! :) If here is 21.12.2013 I will set to 22.12.2013 and.....

Tadaaa! All my fuel is 100% full. In addition you can try this method on your PC games with Windows

Tadaaa! All my fuel is 100% full. In addition you can try this method on your PC games with Windows

Remember!! Not all games can be glitched (example: HayDay, ClashOfClans) but if you have a favorite game you can try this method!! If you didn't know that method please like 👍 /share/ follow! Thanks

The creator of this guide has not included tools