How to change a diaper

Change a Diaper


Do the classic "lift and sniff" maneuver to check for surprises. Or feel the diaper to see if its wet and "squishy"

Do the classic "lift and sniff" maneuver to check for surprises. Or feel the diaper to see if its wet and "squishy"

Have the wipes near by if it's stinky!

Have the wipes near by if it's stinky!

Place baby on safe changing area, if they are on a changing table DON'T leave them unattended! Remove clothing and dirty diaper, then compact the diaper and use tabs to hold together to keep mess in!

Place baby on safe changing area, if they are on a changing table DON'T leave them unattended! Remove clothing and dirty diaper, then compact the diaper and use tabs to hold together to keep mess in!

Wipe the baby clean! Be sure to wipe down for girls up for boys. Make sure to clean all creases and folds.

Wipe the baby clean! Be sure to wipe down for girls up for boys. Make sure to clean all creases and folds.

Put on a clean diaper! Make sure diaper is snug around the waist.

Put on a clean diaper! Make sure diaper is snug around the waist.

Then you have a happy clean baby!

Then you have a happy clean baby!

  • Baby
  • Diaper
  • Wipes
  • Safe changing area
  • Strong stomach
  • Rash cream or powder if needed