You'll be using soft pastels. Not hard pastels, not oil pastels! And you'd want to get one with the bright reds, blues and greens!! This box only cost 5 SGD
Make sure you're in a place that's easy to clean up cause there's gonna be a lot of pastel dust falling everywhere! And you might also want to protect your clothes!
Warning! It gets messy!! Wear gloves if you don't want your hands to get dirty!!
Now it's time to pick a color you like!!
Twist a small lock of hair which you wanna color. And apply the pastel is a downward motion.
If you don't wet your hair the color won't stick that easily. So I recommend wetting your hair if you just want a solid color.
So I did the right side of my hair real quick without wetting it much for I wanted a soft blue look.
So yeah! Here's another example of how it'll turn out if you don't put a very thick solid color on!
I wanted a really strong streak at the top. So I wet the lock that I wanted to color really well. And I came out nicely <3
Once you're done comb out all the excess pastel dust.
I went a little crazy and added lots of colors... But hey! Experimenting is the key to getting the exact look you want.
Have fun!!!
- Soft pastels
- Plastic gloves (optional)