How to catch and raise minnows! 🐟🐠

Catch and Raise Minnows! 🐟🐠


First you need to go to a lake where you can find minnows, McCormick park to find sunfish minnows (they are easier to take care of) and you can find trout minnows at Kelly Island 😉

So you need the bucket and obviously it won't have that hose in it, we are just cleaning the tank when I took this pic. And you'll need to put the lake water into it before you catch any minnows.

So you need the bucket and obviously it won't have that hose in it, we are just cleaning the tank when I took this pic. And you'll need to put the lake water into it before you catch any minnows.

And then you need a BIG net (we used a butterfly net) and then look for the minnows and find the ones that don't try to run away as much. The sunfish don't really try to as much as others.

Then you scoop them up, and then keep doing that till you get some. If you get some then quickly bring them to the bucket full of lake water. Doesn't have to be full to the top.

Then you get them out of the net and drop them into the bucket, and they will probably be still alive. Tiny ones die easily, go for bigger ones. Tiny ones die as soon as you scoop them up.

Then keep doing that till you think you have enough for your tank. We got a lot! Lol

Then you can take them to your house. When you get there then put the bucket on a table and then you grab a cup that is really small.

I used this kind.

I used this kind.

Then try to scoop up the minnows, keep trying till you get at least one fish in the cup. Then if there is a lot of water in the cup then it's to much and you have to dump some out. Watch for the fish!

And then make sure your tank has enough water in it. And then go next to it. And then using your hand, you have to grab the fish and quickly dump it into the tank as quick as you can!

Then repeat that with the rest of the minnows till you've got all of them into the tank.

These are our minnows! But we have some store bought fish in there too that we got before the minnows.

These are our minnows! But we have some store bought fish in there too that we got before the minnows.

This is the kind of food that they eat, they love it! You can get it at any pet store in the fish food isle! Don't try anything else, they probably won't eat it!

This is the kind of food that they eat, they love it! You can get it at any pet store in the fish food isle! Don't try anything else, they probably won't eat it!

It may take them a day to figure out that it's food, but eventually they will! I even got my beta to eat it!

And that's how to care for minnows! All of mine stayed alive! So it should work for you!

  • Bucket, size matters on how many you want
  • Fish tank ready for fish
  • BIG net, butterfly net works!
  • Shrimp fish food, found at any pet store
  • (Optional) toys for fish tank