How to care for betta fish

Care for Betta Fish


Betta fish, aka Siamese Fighting Fish, are tropical, so they must have a heater. They should be kept at between 78-82F. Males canNOT be kept together, or they will fight to the death.

Water should be changed depending on tank size and the filtration system. Smaller tanks=more frequent water changes. Water should be conditioned to get rid of any chlorine or other harmful chemicals.

Water should be changed depending on tank size and the filtration system. Smaller tanks=more frequent water changes. Water should be conditioned to get rid of any chlorine or other harmful chemicals.

They can live between 2-4 years with proper care. Don't even THINK about keeping them in the little tiny cups you see at the pet store. They need at least 2.5 gallons, but 5 is even better.

They can live between 2-4 years with proper care. Don't even THINK about keeping them in the little tiny cups you see at the pet store. They need at least 2.5 gallons, but 5 is even better.

Betta fish can actually be taught tricks! Some include jumping out of the water and swimming through a hoop. Betta fish make great pets if you know how to care for them properly.

Betta fish can actually be taught tricks! Some include jumping out of the water and swimming through a hoop. Betta fish make great pets if you know how to care for them properly.

  • Heater
  • Min. 2.5 gallon tank
  • Betta food
  • (Opt) mealworms for protein
  • Water conditioner
  • Betta