How to build the simplest iron door trap

Build the Simplest Iron Door Trap


Place a pressure plate where you want the CENTER of the trap to be.

Place a pressure plate where you want the CENTER of the trap to be.

To the right of the plate, place an iron door. Make sure the door is in the front half of the block, closer to you.

To the right of the plate, place an iron door. Make sure the door is in the front half of the block, closer to you.

Before placing the rest of the door, make sure the door closes when you step on the plate. While standing on the plate, the door should form a wall directly next to the plate.

Place the rest of the doors like you did in Step 2. Place a block or a slab above the pressure pad, two blocks of the ground so a player can walk in. Once someone walks in, they will be trapped!

Place the rest of the doors like you did in Step 2. Place a block or a slab above the pressure pad, two blocks of the ground so a player can walk in. Once someone walks in, they will be trapped!

  • 4.0 Iron Doors
  • 1.0 Pressure Plate
  • 1.0 Slab/Block