How to build and program a wedo kicking leg robot

This guide will help you build your WeDo Kicking Leg Robot and program it with a few simple lines of code.

9 Steps

First you will need to turn to the second page in your WeDo Schematic Booklet.

First you will need to turn to the second page in your WeDo Schematic Booklet.

Side view of foot foundation

Side view of foot foundation

Getting ready to attach leg to foot

Getting ready to attach leg to foot

Attached leg

Attached leg

Motor connected make sure center axle is 6 units of measurement and base is down. Notice motor is connected to hub.

Motor connected make sure center axle is 6 units of measurement and base is down. Notice motor is connected to hub.

Do you see my mistake?

Do you see my mistake?

This line of code reads if play is pressed motor will rotate every 5/10 of a second for 4 iterations or loops.

This line of code reads if play is pressed motor will rotate every 5/10 of a second for 4 iterations or loops.

I have now added a piece of code to change the level of power. What has changed?

I have now added a piece of code to change the level of power. What has changed?

Try changing the level of power by clicking into the white area and entering in your own number

  • One WeDo Lego Kit
  • One laptop computer
  • WeDo Software
  • Observation Worksheet
  • One Lego WeDo Robot schematic book