Build up your choice of Wood 3 blocks high. Then, line up the blocks with your choice of wooden planks.
Build a doorway at the side you want your door on. You can place the door now, or wait until later when we add more detail to the house.
Build the planks up so all of the blocks are lined up.
Build a flat roof. You will build a second story later. If you don't want a second story built on your house, you might as well stop here.
Build up 3 blocks with your choice wood From the corner of each already placed wooden block below.
Here... It gets confusing. Just follow the lay out, because I don't have enough room to explain it all. It kind of explains itself anyway.
Again, follow the layout.
Follow the blocks across so the edges now are in the shape of a roof.
On the sides, add wood going upwards, later we will add glass panes and those will be Windows.
Fill in the small gap above the wood window outlines.
Fill in all of the gaps with glass panes except for the doorway at the front.
This is the front of your in-construction house.
Go inside, and in the far right hand corner when you walk in, build stairs. Like shown here.
Fill in the back wall so there are no empty spaces... Unless you want it there, for secretive things of course.
Then, fill it in so the stairs don't look so tacky, by using your choice of wood planks. Make sure to leave a place where you can step into the staircase.
Break the grass blocks below your feet.
Fill in the opened area with your choice of wooden planks.
Add a door to your house! What were you thinking!? You don't want mobs in your house do you!?
You can pick between doors... If you absolutely give a crap.
OMG!? The finishing result! But wait...
You can add more things if you'd like.
You can add more things.... If you'd like.
I'm going to let this one explain itself! Thanks!
- A brain
- Some Patience
- Minecraft... PE is what i used, you can use others
Terry Rigsby
My name is Terry, and I make guides. I hope that you will like my guides, for I will jam pack them with lots of information that should help.
Arcadia, IN. 46030
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