How to break in new soccer cleats

Break in your new cleats fast! Quick but not painless, it never is😭


When buying a new pair of cleats make sure they fit you correctly before actually buying them. They should be snug but not so tight that you cant feel your toes.

My new cleats as you can tell are on the right, the pink and green ones. My old ones look all worn in and comfy-ish but my new ones look stiff and uninviting.

My new cleats as you can tell are on the right, the pink and green ones. My old ones look all worn in and comfy-ish but my new ones look stiff and uninviting.

Unfortunately there is no one day break in magic in this world but we can at least speed up the process!

This is where the fun starts! Jk not really, I should say hell..... -___-

This is where the fun starts! Jk not really, I should say hell..... -___-

Any bucket or tub will work as long as both feet can be submerged up to your ankles. Fill the tub with hot water. It shouldn't be scalding hot but at least bearable.

Lace your shoes up how you normally would before a practice or a game.

Place feet in the tub of water. (I didn't actually put water in the tub right now because I hate doing this.) use your hands to massage the sides of your feet squeezing the air out.

Place feet in the tub of water. (I didn't actually put water in the tub right now because I hate doing this.) use your hands to massage the sides of your feet squeezing the air out.

When you squeeze the air out it basically suctions the shoes to the shape of your foot. Keep your feet submerged in the water for about 20 minutes.

When the time is up, remove your feet.(Get ready for one of the worst, most disgusting feelings ever.)

Rub vaseline on the instep of the shoes.

Rub vaseline on the instep of the shoes.

And the outside of your shoes. This makes the leather more pliable and easier to move.

And the outside of your shoes. This makes the leather more pliable and easier to move.

This is where the work begins.

Find some grass and start walking. Walk for about ten minutes to get used to the sloshing and nasty feeling of warm wet feet.

Find some grass and start walking. Walk for about ten minutes to get used to the sloshing and nasty feeling of warm wet feet.

Start out slow. Start with a jog, then work into doing some drills with the ball. When you don't feel excess water between your toes you are almost done!

Continue to walk around in them on grass or carpet for the rest of the day until your feet feel sort of dry...

Once you take them off they will still be a little wet, to dry them the rest of the way stuff them with newspaper paper.

Avoid placing them in direct sunlight or near concentrated air like air ducts because this drys out the leather and ruins shoes faster.

For the next week or two practice in your new shoes for at least 20-30 minutes a day. Tip: always bring an extra pair of shoes with you incase you cant stand the pain for the full 20 minutes.

If you notice any blisters forming this is normal. Just rub vaseline on any irritated contact points in your shoe or on your foot. And avoid wearing ankle socks. Thats like asking for a blister.

Avoid concrete at all costs! It wears down the cleats making them not last as long! And end up looking like this, or worse!

Avoid concrete at all costs! It wears down the cleats making them not last as long! And end up looking like this, or worse!

  • 1.0 Tub of water
  • 1.0 New cleats
  • 1.0 Vaseline
  • Feet
  • All day