How to braise a beef shank

Braise a Beef Shank


Season Beef shank with salt & pepper.

Season Beef shank with salt & pepper.

Stand shank up in pan. High temp sear. Combi 500F. 12 min. 80 fan. 100 hum.

Stand shank up in pan. High temp sear. Combi 500F. 12 min. 80 fan. 100 hum.

Remove from combi, tie with twine, place in bain marie or stock pot.

Remove from combi, tie with twine, place in bain marie or stock pot.

Add Mire poix and demi

Add Mire poix and demi

Cover with demi just above meat.

Cover with demi just above meat.

Load into C&H. 300F. 3-3:30 hours

Load into C&H. 300F. 3-3:30 hours

Cook time set to 3 hours at 300F.

Cook time set to 3 hours at 300F.

Hold at 170F overnight.

Shank has been holding for over 9.5hrs.

Shank has been holding for over 9.5hrs.

Remove Shank from C&H. Demi reduces to a nice sauce.

Remove Shank from C&H. Demi reduces to a nice sauce.

Puree sauce and spoon over braised meat. Save some veg if you like.

Puree sauce and spoon over braised meat. Save some veg if you like.

Carefully remove from pot. Cut off twine. Enjoy.

  • 1.0 beef shank, 8-9lbs
  • 1/2gal braising liquid
  • 1.0 bain marie
  • 3.0c Mire Poix
  • S&P