How to become obsessed with a boyband.

Become Obsessed With a Boyband.


Follow all band members on every social media app that exists.   This is important because if you are going to be obsessed, you need to know where your boys are at all times.

Follow all band members on every social media app that exists. This is important because if you are going to be obsessed, you need to know where your boys are at all times.

Listen to every song your band has ever sang, performed, and released. Know all lyrics and note changes so when the concert comes around, you can scream every word.

Listen to every song your band has ever sang, performed, and released. Know all lyrics and note changes so when the concert comes around, you can scream every word.

Watch interviews, concerts and other performances, music videos, award shows, best vocal videos, etc. It is important to complete this step because you want to know what each boy is like.

Watch interviews, concerts and other performances, music videos, award shows, best vocal videos, etc. It is important to complete this step because you want to know what each boy is like.

Buy posters, magazines, cardboard cutouts and anything else that has your band's face on it. If your parents say no to buying these items, try earning your own money and paying for the items yourself.

Buy posters, magazines, cardboard cutouts and anything else that has your band's face on it. If your parents say no to buying these items, try earning your own money and paying for the items yourself.

After purchasing these items, hang all posters up onto your walls. Make sure to be organized while placing the posters up onto your walls, you want every picture to be easily visible.

After purchasing these items, hang all posters up onto your walls. Make sure to be organized while placing the posters up onto your walls, you want every picture to be easily visible.

Make a fan account. This step can be completed on Twitter, Vine, or Instagram.  Create a brand new account on any of these social media apps. Make sure to have a funny and catchy username.

Make a fan account. This step can be completed on Twitter, Vine, or Instagram. Create a brand new account on any of these social media apps. Make sure to have a funny and catchy username.

Follow other fan accounts that are interested in your boyband.  Be friends with people who love your band just as much as you do.

Follow other fan accounts that are interested in your boyband. Be friends with people who love your band just as much as you do.

Ask for concert tickets on EVERY single holiday. If the only thing you ask for is concert tickets, there is a good chance you will receive them. Don't badger your parents because they'll get annoyed.

Ask for concert tickets on EVERY single holiday. If the only thing you ask for is concert tickets, there is a good chance you will receive them. Don't badger your parents because they'll get annoyed.

  • An electronic device (iPhone, iPad, etc.)
  • Money
  • Concert tickets
  • Merchandise
  • A device to play music on (loudly).