How to beautify a photo on pic collage❤️

Beautify a Photo on Pic Collage❤️


Tap + and press add photos. Add a photo!\ud83d\udcf7

Tap + and press add photos. Add a photo!📷

Now, double tap the photo! You can press effects now!

Now, double tap the photo! You can press effects now!

Now you can add an effect!

Now you can add an effect!

You can tune down the effect if it is too strong!

You can tune down the effect if it is too strong!

Just play with all the effects! So fun!

Just play with all the effects! So fun!

Now, if you want, set it as backround by tapping the pic twice and pressing it!

Now, if you want, set it as backround by tapping the pic twice and pressing it!

Now press + and you can add text!

Now press + and you can add text!

Just like this!

Just like this!

Okay! But one may not show on the guide, but it has a-a-a WATERMARK\ud83d\ude40\ud83d\ude31\ud83d\ude40

Okay! But one may not show on the guide, but it has a-a-a WATERMARK🙀😱🙀

To fix it, save the photo!

To fix it, save the photo!

Go to photos!

Go to photos!

Press edit, crop it, and enjoy!!!!❤️📷❤️🍦

  • Pic collage
  • Apple device ( with appstore )