How to be fulfilled

Be Fulfilled


Decide what you want to be known for...

Pick three words that you want to be able to use to describe yourself.

What three words do you want others to say about you after you have met them?

What beliefs are supportive for you to achieve your desired personal identity?

What beliefs would support you in having others describe you in the way you desire?

For each supportive belief what three things would you see happening in your world if the belief was true?

For each supportive belief what would you be saying about yourself if the belief was true?

For each supportive belief what would others be saying to you if the belief was true?

For each supportive belief how would you feel if the belief was true?

Which beliefs have you identified that have opposing self limiting beliefs that you could get support in shifting?

What are the short term actions you can take to achieve your desired identity?

What are the medium term actions you can take to achieve your desired identity?

What are the long term actions you can take to achieve your desired identity?

Who in your 'network of support' can help you achieve each of your actions?

What resources can you use to support your achievement of your desired outcomes?

For more support in achieving impressive impacts with bountiful benefits and achieve amazing actions contact

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