How to baked sweet potato risotto

Baked Sweet Potato Risotto


The rice is white, and the grains are small short oval shapes and are hard.  The main food component in rice is starch which is a carbohydrate.

The rice is white, and the grains are small short oval shapes and are hard. The main food component in rice is starch which is a carbohydrate.

Caramelisation is the process that causes the sweet potato to brown. Caramelisation occurs when sugar is exposed to high temperatures and begins to decompose.

Caramelisation is the process that causes the sweet potato to brown. Caramelisation occurs when sugar is exposed to high temperatures and begins to decompose.

Caramelisation improves the texture flavour and colour of the final product.

Caramelisation improves the texture flavour and colour of the final product.

You are able to tell that the stock is boiling when there are bubbles and the water has reached the temperature of 100 degrees C.

You are able to tell that the stock is boiling when there are bubbles and the water has reached the temperature of 100 degrees C.

The heat helps to soften the rice and makes it easier to absorb the liquid.

The heat helps to soften the rice and makes it easier to absorb the liquid.

Saut\u00e8ing helps to optimise the finished product by softening the texture, and developing the flavour of the ingredients.

Sautèing helps to optimise the finished product by softening the texture, and developing the flavour of the ingredients.

Coating the rice with with oil prevents the rice from sticking together by keeping the individual grains of rice separated. It also enhances the flavour of the rice by toasting it lightly.

Coating the rice with with oil prevents the rice from sticking together by keeping the individual grains of rice separated. It also enhances the flavour of the rice by toasting it lightly.

The cooking process that occurs when the rice is cooked in hot stock is gelatinisation, where starch granules absorb liquid in the presence of heat and thicken the liquid forming a gel.

The cooking process that occurs when the rice is cooked in hot stock is gelatinisation, where starch granules absorb liquid in the presence of heat and thicken the liquid forming a gel.

The stock is added gradually so that the rice has time to absorb the water slowly. This allows the rice to swell and soften gradually. The rice also changes colour slightly to a whiter colour.

The stock is added gradually so that the rice has time to absorb the water slowly. This allows the rice to swell and soften gradually. The rice also changes colour slightly to a whiter colour.

To determine if the risotto is cooked it can be tested by biting into the rice. It should be slightly firm, however there should be no crunch.

To determine if the risotto is cooked it can be tested by biting into the rice. It should be slightly firm, however there should be no crunch.

Resting the risotto allows time for the final absorption of moisture.

Resting the risotto allows time for the final absorption of moisture.

The sensory properties of the final product. Appearance: the rice looked moist, soft, and was a creamy light yellow colour, while the sweet potato was a slightly golden orange.

The sensory properties of the final product. Appearance: the rice looked moist, soft, and was a creamy light yellow colour, while the sweet potato was a slightly golden orange.

Aroma: The aroma was mild and slightly sweet.

Aroma: The aroma was mild and slightly sweet.

Texture: the texture of the rice was creamy and slightly lumpy, and the texture of the sweet potato was soft and mushy.

Texture: the texture of the rice was creamy and slightly lumpy, and the texture of the sweet potato was soft and mushy.

Flavour: the flavour was quite sweet and citrusy due to the lemon, and the sweet potato was also sweet.

Personal Hygiene Hair: wear hair tired back to prevent loose stands contaminating the food. Wash hand: wash hands before handling food to prevent contamination.

Nutritional properties The main component of the risotto is rice, which is categorised as a grain or cereal food. This makes up the largest proportion of a persons diet.

The rice and sweet potato are primarily made up of carbohydrates. It is recommended that carbohydrates make up 45-65 percent of a persons total daily energy intake.

The sweet potato, celery and onion belong in the vegetables category of the AGHE. It is recommended that they make up a large portion of a persons daily intake of food.

Vegetables contain important vitamins and fibre that are essential for the body to function properly.

A small amount of cheese and butter are used in the risotto. These belong to the dairy category, and are mainly made up of fats and protein.

Th risotto also contains oil and salt which are recommended to be only consumed sometimes and in small amounts.

The creator of this guide has not included ingredients