How to bake smoked sausage

Hands down, it's best when Dear Hubby grills it. This is just the next best thing.


Start out with Smoked Sausage.

Start out with Smoked Sausage.

Cut the curves.

Cut the curves.

Slicing through the middle allows the inside to get crispy. \ud83d\ude03

Slicing through the middle allows the inside to get crispy. 😃

Cut into serving sized pieces.

Cut into serving sized pieces.

Preheat skillet in 450 degree oven with a pat of butter. When melted, arrange in the skillet inside side down.

Preheat skillet in 450 degree oven with a pat of butter. When melted, arrange in the skillet inside side down.

Place in oven.

Place in oven.

About 15 min later, turn to get both sides browned.

About 15 min later, turn to get both sides browned.

Back in oven.

Back in oven.

When the top is browned, it's ready.

When the top is browned, it's ready.

Place in serving dish. Ready to eat!

  • 1.0 Smoked Sausage
  • Pat of Butter