How to bake samsa with duck meat, pumpkin and potatoes

Samsa is a Central Asian baked pastry with savory filling. This time I am making it with duck meat, pumpkin and potatoes.


Chop duck meat or you can buy and use ground meat. Meanwhile, take out your dough from freezer and let it thaw.

Chop duck meat or you can buy and use ground meat. Meanwhile, take out your dough from freezer and let it thaw.

Chop onions

Chop onions

Chop potatoes into small cubes

Chop potatoes into small cubes

Raw pumpkin, cut some pumpkin and clean from seeds

Raw pumpkin, cut some pumpkin and clean from seeds

Chop into small cubes

Chop into small cubes

Mix the filling and add black pepper and some other spices (I used nutmeg and ginger, pinch of each)

Mix the filling and add black pepper and some other spices (I used nutmeg and ginger, pinch of each)

Here is my layered pastry dough, not sweet!

Here is my layered pastry dough, not sweet!

Divide your pastry into pre-cut pieces.

Divide your pastry into pre-cut pieces.

Put a filling in the centre.

Put a filling in the centre.

And form a triangle.

And form a triangle.

Put on a baking sheet with a stitches down. And set your oven to heat at 400F (200C)

Put on a baking sheet with a stitches down. And set your oven to heat at 400F (200C)

You can put them close to each other

You can put them close to each other

Brush the top with an egg or egg wash.

Brush the top with an egg or egg wash.

Sprinkle with sesame seeds

Sprinkle with sesame seeds

Bake for 40 minutes at 200C (400F).



  • 1.0lb Finely chopped duck meat
  • 3.0 Medium onions
  • 4.0 Medium sized potatoes
  • 1.0lb Pumpkin raw
  • Salt, pepper
  • 2.0Tbsp Oil
  • 2.0lb Layered pastry dough