How to bake mouffins

Muffins is the right name, isn't it? Be quiet, this title is correct ;) In this guide I'll show you how to bake delicious mou-filled muffins, or Mouffins ;) wonderful :)


Put flour, egg, vanilla extract, salt, milk, baking powder, melted butter and 90 grams of sugar in a mixer. Mix them together.

Put flour, egg, vanilla extract, salt, milk, baking powder, melted butter and 90 grams of sugar in a mixer. Mix them together.

Put your paper cases in a muffin tin.

Put your paper cases in a muffin tin.

Fill each muffin case with a tablespoon of batter.

Fill each muffin case with a tablespoon of batter.

Bake your muffins in the oven (180ยบ for 15 minutes).

They should be golden.

They should be golden.

Melt the remained sugar in a small pot at low heat. Stir it from time to time.

Melt the remained sugar in a small pot at low heat. Stir it from time to time.

The sugar will brown.

The sugar will brown.

Add the cream into the hot sugar, slowly and with a gentle stir. Mix them carefully.

Add the cream into the hot sugar, slowly and with a gentle stir. Mix them carefully.

Cut your muffins into halves.

Cut your muffins into halves.

Spread the mou cream over your muffins.

Spread the mou cream over your muffins.

They're done :)

  • 200.0g Flour
  • 165.0g Sugar
  • 1.0 Egg
  • 65.0g Melted butter
  • 1.0tsp Vanilla extract
  • 1.0 Pinch of salt
  • 1.0Tbsp Baking powder
  • 100.0ml Cream
  • 150.0ml Milk