How to bake danish kransekagekonfekt

In Denmark, we cannot celebrate a wedding or other anniversaries without this delicious cake


Gather your supplies

Gather your supplies

Turn the oven on at 190 degrees

Turn the oven on at 190 degrees

Mix all ingredients in a bowl

Mix all ingredients in a bowl

Stir it together well

Stir it together well

Put the dough in an icing bag...

Put the dough in an icing bag...

...and spray it out in small fine tops

...and spray it out in small fine tops

Ready for the oven

Ready for the oven

Bake them for 10-15 minutes...

Bake them for 10-15 minutes...

Or until they look like these, and let them cool

Or until they look like these, and let them cool

Melt the chocolate.  It can also be done in the microwave or over a water bath.  I use this one.

Melt the chocolate. It can also be done in the microwave or over a water bath. I use this one.

Dip the cakes into the melted chocolate...

Dip the cakes into the melted chocolate...

... so the bottom is covered

... so the bottom is covered

Set on wax paper to the chocolate is stiffened

Set on wax paper to the chocolate is stiffened

Enjoy. They won't last long ;-)

  • 500.0g Marzipan
  • 200.0g Icing Sugar
  • 2.0 Egg Whites
  • Couverture Chocolate