How to bake chocolate muffins

Bake Chocolate Muffins


B\u00f6rja med att ta fram Ingredienser  start with take out the ingredients.

Börja med att ta fram Ingredienser start with take out the ingredients.

Sen la jag i alla ingredienser i r\u00e4tt ordning. then lay I all ingredints i right order.

Sen la jag i alla ingredienser i rätt ordning. then lay I all ingredints i right order.

sen tog jag fram formerna till mufisarna. sen  la i smeten i formerna.   then I took out  the papper tihns too the  muffins then lay i

sen tog jag fram formerna till mufisarna. sen la i smeten i formerna. then I took out the papper tihns too the muffins then lay i

Sen la jag i muffinsarna i ugnen . Then I lay muffins in the stonecutter.

Sen la jag i muffinsarna i ugnen . Then I lay muffins in the stonecutter.

Sen m\u00e5ste du diska. Then you must  wash up the dises

Sen måste du diska. Then you must wash up the dises

sen är dom klara. Then are their ready.

The creator of this guide has not included ingredients