How to attach a hidden nightlight to your bathroom-mirror

Diffused light can be great, especially at night!


When you have to visit the bathroom at night, you don't want to have the full power of your bathroom light. So why don't you install a hidden diffused light behind your mirror?

While installing: Make sure the fuse is switched off, so there is no power in the bathroom!

You have to open (in this case crack open) the transformer of the LED light strip. Attach it to power using an insulating screw joint. As always: Don't electrocute yourself!

You have to open (in this case crack open) the transformer of the LED light strip. Attach it to power using an insulating screw joint. As always: Don't electrocute yourself!

Put the mirror on the wall, put the LED light strip behind your mirror and you're done.

Put the mirror on the wall, put the LED light strip behind your mirror and you're done.

By day it is invisible. But at night it will help you find the toilet without blinding you!

By day it is invisible. But at night it will help you find the toilet without blinding you!

Have creating it for yourself. If you need more inspiration, check out my other guides in the home category:

  • 1.0 LED light strip
  • 1.0 Insulating Screw Joint (Luster Terminal)
  • Power behind your bathroom mirror