How to assemble a winter car emergency kit

Assemble a Winter Car Emergency Kit


Here's your supplies you need.

Here's your supplies you need.

Lay down the container.

Lay down the container.

Put the wipes, band aids, matches, candle and batteries into the Baggie. Then put the baggie and the flash light into the container.

Put the wipes, band aids, matches, candle and batteries into the Baggie. Then put the baggie and the flash light into the container.

Put the garage bag into the tin can, and the water bottle and some snacks into to the container.

Put the garage bag into the tin can, and the water bottle and some snacks into to the container.

Then put anything else you would like into the container that you want.

  • Good sized container
  • Wipes/ band aids
  • Flash light/ batteries
  • Water bottle
  • Tin can/ candle/ matches
  • Non-perishable snacks
  • Little plastic Baggie
  • Garbage bag