How to art



Find the picture you would like to paint

Find the picture you would like to paint

Trace your picture

Trace your picture

Paint the canvas your main color/background

Paint the canvas your main color/background

Finish it and let it dry

Finish it and let it dry

Rub chalk pastel on the trace

Rub chalk pastel on the trace

Retrace it but on the canvas

Retrace it but on the canvas

Get the color of paint pen that your are going to color your picture

Get the color of paint pen that your are going to color your picture

Paint it with your paint pen

Paint it with your paint pen

Go over it again if needed and then write a quote on your canvas with a paint pen

  • Acrylic paint
  • Paint brushes
  • Canvas
  • Ipad
  • Paint tray
  • Paint pen