How to arrange your clutter artfully

Arrange Your Clutter Artfully


Photos in orbit because albums are in a box somwhere.

Photos in orbit because albums are in a box somwhere.

Not kitch but at least food related. Only leave here so they accumulate that fine layer of cooking oil.

Not kitch but at least food related. Only leave here so they accumulate that fine layer of cooking oil.

Toothpaste yes.  Hang large paintings in bathroom with adequate ventilation.

Toothpaste yes. Hang large paintings in bathroom with adequate ventilation.

There was more blue pots here but cat moved    Them in favor of smooth surface and feng shui.

There was more blue pots here but cat moved Them in favor of smooth surface and feng shui.

Husbands archival arrangement. When I clean   More clutter I will follow with more photos This is how I will complete it with my followers praising the talent, the domesticity.  Au demain!

Husbands archival arrangement. When I clean More clutter I will follow with more photos This is how I will complete it with my followers praising the talent, the domesticity. Au demain!

  • Things people gave you
  • Things you like
  • Things that just showed up
  • Rummage, should be refuse
  • Antique roadshow possible
  • Children made it
  • Most needy of dusting
  • No purpose in function or place in art
  • Shredder, dumpster