How to appreciate the beauty of the outside plants

Appreciate the Beauty of the Outside Plants


This is an example of how different seeds can move and grow in other places.

This is an example of how different seeds can move and grow in other places.

Coniferous trees sometimes have needles like this one.

Coniferous trees sometimes have needles like this one.

Bark can be ridged  or sometimes have moss.

Bark can be ridged or sometimes have moss.

Many animals love to make homes in these trees!

Many animals love to make homes in these trees!

This tree is in the dormant stage.

This tree is in the dormant stage.

There is no more chlorophyll in this tree's leaves.

There is no more chlorophyll in this tree's leaves.

Leaves look very beautiful in the autumn.

Leaves look very beautiful in the autumn.

If you look in some rain gardens you can find advertisements like this one:)

If you look in some rain gardens you can find advertisements like this one:)

Tall grasses like these don't need bees to pollinate them because the pollen blows from the flowers on to them.

Tall grasses like these don't need bees to pollinate them because the pollen blows from the flowers on to them.

Some flowers are still pretty when they are dormant  and brown.

Some flowers are still pretty when they are dormant and brown.

This plant may look like it has snow on it but guess again.

This plant may look like it has snow on it but guess again.

The beautiful sun helps these trees grow big and strong. Remember photosynthesis?

The beautiful sun helps these trees grow big and strong. Remember photosynthesis?

If a bird can't  live in a tree it often nests in these wooden bird houses.

If a bird can't live in a tree it often nests in these wooden bird houses.

Some deciduous trees keep their leaves in the winter. Do you have any in your yard like that?

Some deciduous trees keep their leaves in the winter. Do you have any in your yard like that?

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