How to address an envelope in austrailia

Address an Envelope in Austrailia


Firstly, you need an envelope.  (I realise this is an envelope with the sender stamp on it already but for this purpose this will suffice.)

Firstly, you need an envelope. (I realise this is an envelope with the sender stamp on it already but for this purpose this will suffice.)

Now write down the name or title of the person to whom you will be writing towards the centre of the envelope. In my case i am writing to a Principal of a school.

Now write down the name or title of the person to whom you will be writing towards the centre of the envelope. In my case i am writing to a Principal of a school.

This step is only needed if you are writing to someone at a business or place of work. As I have addressed my envelope to a Principal of a school I have written the name of the school.

This step is only needed if you are writing to someone at a business or place of work. As I have addressed my envelope to a Principal of a school I have written the name of the school.

Now write the first line of the address. The street number and the name of the street.

Now write the first line of the address. The street number and the name of the street.

Now we need the second part of the address, the suburb or town.

Now we need the second part of the address, the suburb or town.

Followed on the same line by the postal code.

Followed on the same line by the postal code.

Finally, for the front of the envelope all we need is the state, in my case Western Australia.

Finally, for the front of the envelope all we need is the state, in my case Western Australia.

Oops I forgot to add "to" to the front of the envelope so the postal office doesn't get confused with who the sender and the receiver is.

Oops I forgot to add "to" to the front of the envelope so the postal office doesn't get confused with who the sender and the receiver is.

Now the back of the envelope. We start by writing sender or from at the very top left hand corner.

Now the back of the envelope. We start by writing sender or from at the very top left hand corner.

Next to the word sender or from you need to write your name.

Next to the word sender or from you need to write your name.

Next we need to write the first line of the sender address. The street number followed by the street name.

Next we need to write the first line of the sender address. The street number followed by the street name.

Now write the suburb.

Now write the suburb.

Finally, write the postal code next to the suburb and the state on the following line.

Finally, write the postal code next to the suburb and the state on the following line.

The complete front of the envelope.

The complete front of the envelope.

The complete back of the envelope.

The complete back of the envelope.

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