How to add special characters and symbol

How to add a classic symbol like- -or-☣-or-☠- I will show you how to get this symbols and how to add symbol with iPhone Keyboard short cuts


First..i Suggest you to download this app "SpecialChars"  I search so many app to make a special character But this is the best App

First..i Suggest you to download this app "SpecialChars" I search so many app to make a special character But this is the best App

Display in SpecialChar app-you can copy paste hundreds Classic symbol from this app to copy and paste Symbol

Display in SpecialChar app-you can copy paste hundreds Classic symbol from this app to copy and paste Symbol     You also can copy paste symbol with that URL You also can copy paste symbol with that URL

Go to Settings-General

Go to Settings-General

Tab keyboard

Tab keyboard

Scroll to the bottom\u2022Please tab the pitcure above-you'll see a create a short cut-tab it

Scroll to the bottom•Please tab the pitcure above-you'll see a create a short cut-tab it

And copy a symbol and paste it to the prase box-and write a word (ex:apple) on the short cut box ..then tab save

And copy a symbol and paste it to the prase box-and write a word (ex:apple) on the short cut box ..then tab save

Now you can make a symbol when you write(Apple)-to make it a symbol press "space" on your keyboard" and when you dont want to make a symbol by write"Apple" just tab the symbol above the word "Apple"

Now you can make a symbol when you write(Apple)-to make it a symbol press "space" on your keyboard" and when you dont want to make a symbol by write"Apple" just tab the symbol above the word "Apple"

When you tab "scape" on your keyboard it will automaticaly turn to Apple logo "\uf8ff"

When you tab "scape" on your keyboard it will automaticaly turn to Apple logo ""

And you can add another symbol like me

And you can add another symbol like me

And you also can write this cool symbol on your folder's name

And you also can write this cool symbol on your folder's name

\u2623 HOPE THIS HELP YOU \u2623


  • iOS 5
  • SpecialChars☜Download this App from AppsStore
  • Or write this URL☛