How to add great special effects on your iphone videos

This guide shows how to add a couple really fun effects in pour video with the app "action movie" you'll find for free on the AppStore. There more effects available within but not free


Download action movie from the app store and tap on its icon to launch the app

Pic k the effect you'd like to apply to your video. For this guide I picked missile attack

Pic k the effect you'd like to apply to your video. For this guide I picked missile attack

Tap on start

Tap on start

Align the target to the ground

Align the target to the ground

This effect is with missiles so when shooting I shook the phone after a couple seconds to emphasize the effect. On this screen choose when you want the effect to hit then tap ok

This effect is with missiles so when shooting I shook the phone after a couple seconds to emphasize the effect. On this screen choose when you want the effect to hit then tap ok

  • iPhone iPad iPod touch
  • Action movie