How to add fractions

Add Fractions


First, you have to change 4/5 because it does not have the same denominator as 3/10, so you have to solve the problem 4 times 2 and 5 times 2 to get 8/10

First, you have to change 4/5 because it does not have the same denominator as 3/10, so you have to solve the problem 4 times 2 and 5 times 2 to get 8/10

Second you must add 3 to 8 and keep the denominator to get a sum of 11/10

Second you must add 3 to 8 and keep the denominator to get a sum of 11/10

And last you need to change your improper fraction; 11/10 into a mixed number by seeing how many times 10 goes into 11, the answer is 1 time but there is an extra 1 so your answer is 1 1/10

And last you need to change your improper fraction; 11/10 into a mixed number by seeing how many times 10 goes into 11, the answer is 1 time but there is an extra 1 so your answer is 1 1/10

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