How to add fractions

Add Fractions


First write down your problem.

First write down your problem.

Write your multiples  for your denominator.

Write your multiples for your denominator.

You need to make sure that you do the same thing you do to the numerators that you do to the denominator.

You need to make sure that you do the same thing you do to the numerators that you do to the denominator.

After you did all of your multiplying you would right your new problem.

After you did all of your multiplying you would right your new problem.

Did you get this answer?

Did you get this answer?

Now we r going to do how many times does 9 go into 55.

Now we r going to do how many times does 9 go into 55.

Now we r done!!!!

Now we r done!!!!

This is the whole problem put together.

This is the whole problem put together.

So our answer would be... 6 1/9

Thanks for watching bye!😃

  • Paper
  • Pencil