How to add fractions

Add Fractions


First you choose a problem.

First you choose a problem.

These fractions are improper fractions.

These fractions are improper fractions.

You need to find out what numbers go into both 3 and 9.

You need to find out what numbers go into both 3 and 9.

9 and 3 birth go into 18. 6x3= 18 and 9x2= 18

9 and 3 birth go into 18. 6x3= 18 and 9x2= 18

No the denominator is 18.

No the denominator is 18.

Now since you have a common denominator you are ready to add your fractions.

Now since you have a common denominator you are ready to add your fractions.

Now we have are fraction. But this fraction is improper. So now we have to make a whole number.

Now we have are fraction. But this fraction is improper. So now we have to make a whole number.

So now we see how many times 18 can go into 27. 18 can only go into 27 once.

So now we see how many times 18 can go into 27. 18 can only go into 27 once.

So the answer is 1 and 1/2 .

  • Pice of paper
  • Pencil