How to add a song to propresenter

Add a Song to ProPresenter


Go to

Go to

Type in the name of the song.

Type in the name of the song.

Click on the video.

Click on the video.

Highlight the URL and copy (cmd c)

Highlight the URL and copy (cmd c)

Go to

Go to

Paste the link (cmd v) click dirpy

Paste the link (cmd v) click dirpy

Click record to mp3

Click record to mp3

iTunes will open, pause it and close iTunes (command q)

iTunes will open, pause it and close iTunes (command q)

Import the song from downloads into your music library

Import the song from downloads into your music library

Click your file

Click your file

Click open

Click open

Your song is in your library, it will start playing  when you click it.

Your song is in your library, it will start playing when you click it.

Hold down command and click and drag your song from your music library onto your background slide. When you click your background, your song will play with it.

The creator of this guide has not included tools