How to a pizza paddle

A Pizza Paddle


Go onto the Internet and find pizza paddles you like find about 12 or 13 pics and write what you like about them and the last pic you find will be your final design

Go onto the Internet and find pizza paddles you like find about 12 or 13 pics and write what you like about them and the last pic you find will be your final design

This is my final design but yours will be different

This is my final design but yours will be different

When you have finished your brain storm draw you final design on paper to the shape and size you want

When you have finished your brain storm draw you final design on paper to the shape and size you want

Find the wood you want

Glue the board together

When finished cut the board and sand it

Round off the edges and sand again put a hole on the handle

Rub board with olive oil and then leave to dry when dry sand with steel wool do that about 3/4 times then your finished and reddy to make pizzas

  • 13.0 Wood
  • 1.0 Bottle of PVA glue
  • 3.0 Rolls of different Sand paper
  • Band saw
  • Disk sander
  • Thicknesser
  • 5.0 Clamps
  • Bobbing sander