How to 14th birthday party

14th Birthday Party


Hand balloons anywhere or everywhere

Hand balloons anywhere or everywhere

Label brown paper bags popcorn and set out on a counter or table

Label brown paper bags popcorn and set out on a counter or table

Cut brown paper bags in half then label candy

Cut brown paper bags in half then label candy

Set out candy in different size and or colored bowls

Set out candy in different size and or colored bowls

Set out pop and cups

Set out pop and cups

Pick out movies and the order they will be watched

Pick out movies and the order they will be watched

Pop popcorn and set out in large bowls with cups inside to scoop out the popcorn

Then party!

  • Balloons
  • Candy of your choice
  • Popcorn
  • Pop of your choice
  • Cups
  • Paper bags
  • Movies of your choice