How to clean your refrigerator (easy way)

With glad press n seal wrap you can clean up your fridge in minutes :) try this right before your next grocery shopping trip. An empty fridge is your friend for this how to!


Start by cleaning your empty shelf :) shuffle that food around to another shelf and get rid of all that old food too while you're at it :)

Start by cleaning your empty shelf :) shuffle that food around to another shelf and get rid of all that old food too while you're at it :)

Grab this time saver at your grocer or at Costco in bulk. No need to measure your shelf just pull out a bit more than the size of your shelf. I overlapped two long sheets of plastic per shelf.

Grab this time saver at your grocer or at Costco in bulk. No need to measure your shelf just pull out a bit more than the size of your shelf. I overlapped two long sheets of plastic per shelf.

Start by placing the wrap over the back of your shelf. Press it into the plastic frame so it sticks.

Start by placing the wrap over the back of your shelf. Press it into the plastic frame so it sticks.

Then pull the front to flatten the creases.

Then pull the front to flatten the creases.

Tuck under the front frame and press to make it stick.

Tuck under the front frame and press to make it stick.

It can fold under/stick nicely so it's nearly unnoticeable.

It can fold under/stick nicely so it's nearly unnoticeable.

You can also press it over the sides to hide the ends and protect the shelf from the oozy messes that leak down off the sides.

You can also press it over the sides to hide the ends and protect the shelf from the oozy messes that leak down off the sides.

Feel free to flatten as you like. Then repeat on the right side.

Feel free to flatten as you like. Then repeat on the right side.

Your finished fridge will look much like this with over lapping plastic covers on each shelf. Notice I covered the bottom shelf right to left vs back to front.

Your finished fridge will look much like this with over lapping plastic covers on each shelf. Notice I covered the bottom shelf right to left vs back to front.

I also slipped the plastic above the small humidity knob for my drawers when tucking it under. If you hold the plastic on both sides of the knob you can wiggle it back and forth til it slips in place.

I also slipped the plastic above the small humidity knob for my drawers when tucking it under. If you hold the plastic on both sides of the knob you can wiggle it back and forth til it slips in place.

The next time you pull out that cracked egg to toss you'll have your shelf cleaning covered!

The next time you pull out that cracked egg to toss you'll have your shelf cleaning covered!

Just clear the shelf of groceries...

Just clear the shelf of groceries...

Peal off that egg mess...

Peal off that egg mess...

Wad up the wrap and toss it out!

Wad up the wrap and toss it out!

Notice, the sticky substance that makes this wrap stick to your shelf can leave a residue on the plastic frame. I remove it with a scratch free scrubber and soap. You can also use goo gone as needed.

Notice, the sticky substance that makes this wrap stick to your shelf can leave a residue on the plastic frame. I remove it with a scratch free scrubber and soap. You can also use goo gone as needed.

Line your door shelves as you like...

Line your door shelves as you like...

And your drawers....finished product.

And your drawers....finished product.

Or selectively line the shelves that hold your meat and messy items if you want to spare the world of a little trash :)  Happy cleaning!

Or selectively line the shelves that hold your meat and messy items if you want to spare the world of a little trash :) Happy cleaning!

  • Glad press n seal plastic wrap
  • Wash cloth
  • Soapy water